目前分類:delicious (7)

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Sometimes I hear voices in my head when I’m cooking.


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Did someone call for curry? Ghoulish curry? Here's a Halloween concoction for you! With fresh lemongrass, cilantro, and basil this curry is an extra ghoulish shade of green -- Mwhahahaha Wedding dress rental!


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One of the very best things about moving back to Oregon has been the proximity to my family and the ability to be present for more than Christmas and maybe a week in the summer Dining and health food in Hong Kong. This weekend, we headed up to my parent’s house (which is now an hour’s drive rather than a 6-hour plane ride) to watch my brother play in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament neo skin lab derma21. He’s played in this tournament almost every year since we were kids, but I’ve missed the last 5 so it felt really good to be able to be there (and to yell like a crazy person at the opposite teams). His team played SO WELL, winning 3 out of 4 games and as a bonus, Trudydog is (for once) completely worn out. A tired dog is a good dog!


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 The dressing is really light and just enough sweet and not too acidic. It pairs perfectly with this brussels sprouts salad.


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Between marrying into the Ball family and the recent Mason jar trend, I knew there had to be Ball jars at our wedding. I used most as vases to decorate the aisle and the tables, but that obviously wasn’t enough. I decided that every guest had to drink out of a Ball jar, so I bought one jar for each guest. Ahh the joys of being wedding crazed. Thank goodness it’s over.


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Imagine my despair when we moved to this cozy little town, only to find out there are no bagel shops within a hundred mile radius.  No, that dingy place downtown doesn’t count as bagel place, and no, Panera Bread isn’t an authoritative source of true bagels either.  Sure, they are freshly baked bagels, but they are not the right kind.  They are made with yeast only, impregnated with enhancers, conditioners, emulsifiers and flavor imitations, passed through a machine to shape them and then… and then… [chin quivering]… they are steamed [falling apart, wailing] before baking Public Cloud.


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Indian cooking, I make a lot and just love it. And now it occurred to me that it’s been some time since I posted anything Indian on the blog. If there are more fans of this delicious food, then you have a super dish right here best insulated coffee mug.


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