
I tried this fabulous dip at Thanksgiving and it shot straight to the top of my list of favorite holiday appetizers.  I’ll be making it again for Christmas, and everyone else who tried says they will too!  The tangy cranberries are a perfect compliment to the spicy and savory flavors in this dip.


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Between marrying into the Ball family and the recent Mason jar trend, I knew there had to be Ball jars at our wedding. I used most as vases to decorate the aisle and the tables, but that obviously wasn’t enough. I decided that every guest had to drink out of a Ball jar, so I bought one jar for each guest. Ahh the joys of being wedding crazed. Thank goodness it’s over.


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There are about a month, I received an friendly email from Heloise who offered me to make a selection of food styling at the Fly shop. I must admit that I had never thought of this place for my purchases of dishes so I immediately jumped at the chance to discover their collection glass tea infuser pot!


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Growing up, I've always struggled with my weight. I mean I was never an overweight child by any means but I was certainly bigger than average amongst Asian kids. My mom would meticulously watch what I'd eat, making sure I wouldn't bulge out in the wrong places. She always had this rule that with every "bad thing" she'd let me to eat, I'd have to make up for it by eating "good things". (One piece of pork belly = 5 pieces of steamed broccoli)


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Boy, oh boy. It’s not often I can truly rave about a dessert, but this one scored a 10/10 for me. Not normally one for cake type desserts, I have to say that this recipe from Kathy Knudsen at Australian Good Taste, March 2009 (at Taste.com.au) is, in a word, spectacular. As far as I’m concerned, there’ll be absolutely no need to try other alternatives. The sponge is unbelievably soft, thanks to the dates, and when steeped in the rich, dark butterscotch sauce, incredibly moist. A winner, no matter how you look at it.


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I started with the idea of a giant chocolate chip cookie cake with oreo pieces embedded in it. But I was afraid it would be too rich and too sweet for some and I momentarily played with the idea of making regular oreo-stuffed cookies. Then I wondered if cookies were festive enough for birthdays and decided that it was not, instead turning to a cake version of a chocolate chip cookie, replacing the chocolate chips with oreos. I would have picked it if I wasn't that particular about aesthetics; I mean - the cookie cake is supposed to bake up a little shorter than regular cakes and you know when it comes to birthday cakes, the bigger, the taller, the better. I think this paragraph is getting kinda long so I shall skip to the end where I finally decided to do this brown sugar oreo cake. My friend also likes cookie dough so I just adapted a regular yellow cake recipe, changing the white sugar to brown for a caramelly flavour that is reminiscent of chocolate chip cookies.


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Imagine my despair when we moved to this cozy little town, only to find out there are no bagel shops within a hundred mile radius.  No, that dingy place downtown doesn’t count as bagel place, and no, Panera Bread isn’t an authoritative source of true bagels either.  Sure, they are freshly baked bagels, but they are not the right kind.  They are made with yeast only, impregnated with enhancers, conditioners, emulsifiers and flavor imitations, passed through a machine to shape them and then… and then… [chin quivering]… they are steamed [falling apart, wailing] before baking Public Cloud.


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Once ribs are finished baking let them come to room temperature and set in the fridge overnight.  This will ensure that the meat stays on the bone while grilling.  And speaking of grilling all you have to do is baste those babies with the sauce a few times and they are ready to serve.


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Indian cooking, I make a lot and just love it. And now it occurred to me that it’s been some time since I posted anything Indian on the blog. If there are more fans of this delicious food, then you have a super dish right here best insulated coffee mug.


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I know that it is only May, so this is a gutsy thing to declare, but I am going to do it anyway. This is my favorite sandwich of summer 2014.  This sandwich is a keeper, one that will stay on the family rotation for a very long time. The lime-mint mayonnaise and the grilled purple onion go together so wonderfully, my tastebuds did a little dance with just a few ingredients. I made it last week, I’m going to make it next week and hopefully I’ll have lots of excuses after that to keep mixing lime and mint together. I used the torta bread from Costco and it was perfect.


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