
If this recipe doesn’t to fit in with my recent attempts at being healthy, it’s because it’s from about a month ago, back in my carefree Vermont days. Two of my closet friends, Anna and Lyndsay were up with me for a mini girls weekend while Joe was filming in Puerto Rico. We needed a yummy Sunday morning breakfast to finish off the weekend, so I whipped up a couple of these loaves Saturday night before we went out. So. Good. Definitely a little decadent, and since I just started trying to lose some weight I probably won’t make this again in the next few weeks. But after that? I may need to treat myself to a batch of these sweet and salty loaves.


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Growing up, I've always struggled with my weight. I mean I was never an overweight child by any means but I was certainly bigger than average amongst Asian kids. My mom would meticulously watch what I'd eat, making sure I wouldn't bulge out in the wrong places. She always had this rule that with every "bad thing" she'd let me to eat, I'd have to make up for it by eating "good things". (One piece of pork belly = 5 pieces of steamed broccoli)


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 And as i go, i would like to leave you with the wonderful produce fro m my very own garden. Mulberries (which by the way are very few) , local Ghanian tomatoes which are very juicy an full of flavour, french beans and the local Ghanian habanero chilli – peppe,which are still very tiny Alexander Hera.

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Mexican cuisine was given UNESCO heritage status at the same time that French dining was – as well as falconry, Croatian gingerbread craft, and the Kirkpinar Oil-Wrestling Festival, which sounds kind of, um…interesting…and perhaps will come to Paris next. One can only hope HKUE DSE.


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Luis Rendón is my new favorite person in Paris. And the guy who makes the tortillas is my second favorite (I suppose if I got his name, he might be the first.) But it’s Luis behind the great Mexican fare at Candelaria, a narrow slip of a place in the upper Marais that serves authentic Mexican food krug champagne.

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